Oregon Business Development Fund Loan Program

CCD Business Development Corporation markets the OBDF Loan Program for the state of Oregon. 

The OBDF is a revolving loan fund that provides term fixed-rate financing for land, buildings, equipment, machinery, and permanent working capital. Participants must create or retain jobs and must typically be a traded-sector business in manufacturing processing or distribution. The program gives preference to projects located in rural and distressed areas and to small businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

Typical OBDF loans have:

  • A maximum amount of $2,000,000
  • A maximum term and amortization of 20 years or the useful life of the project and/or collateral 
  • A fixed interest rate of U.S. treasury bills plus 1% APR (min 4% APR)
  • A 1.5% loan origination fee 

Applications must show the business:

  • Has the ability to create or retain jobs as a result of the loan
  • Is a traded-sector manufacturing, production, processing, or distribution company
  • Has a commitment to lend from a qualified private financial partner or economic development organization (like CCD) 
  • Can provide good and sufficient collateral for the loan
  • Possesses a reasonable capacity to repay the loan
  • Meets the other criteria outlined in the OBDF aApplication and Oregon Administrative Rule 

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